"Unless the Lord builds the house,
its builders labor in vain"
Psalm 127:1

this picture is a wonderful testimony to God's faithfulness. about one month ago mark was having severe back pain. he feared the worst and started consulting with doctors and investigating surgery as a possible solution to his bulging disk. with much work yet to be done on the house, mark was worried that he would be unable to accomplish his part in the home building. hiring out his share of the work would put us over budget.
as you can see, he is doing much better. after visiting his chiropractor, doing some therapeutic stretches, wearing a supportive back brace, and giving it over to the Lord through prayer he is doing very well. thankfully, he has been able to finish framing the basement, hang all the doors, and lay the oak flooring. he is now ready to set the kitchen cabinets and install the trim.
(we've got everyone doing jobs!)
"If a man will not work, he shall not eat" 2 Thes. 3:10