Sunday, March 16, 2008

thank you

some of you have shown your concern about "slaying giants" by emailing and/or praying and i wanted to say "thank you!" your love and support have been very comforting. your prayers on our behalf have been felt in many ways.

i am not trying to be mysterious or vague, in fact, i started out by trying to summarize the entire situation, but realized that i did not want to see that posted. i really want to keep this blog a place to report God's faithfulness to us each day rather than become a venting place. (trust me, i do my share of that). so i deleted it all and wrote only of how God was blessing us through this trial.

and i will tell you this, we have seen some progress in resolving the problem we have been dealing with. God is good, all the time!

everyday gift: answered prayer

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