Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Daughter of Fortune ~ by isabel allende

i found Daughter of Fortune to be a very enjoyable read. the setting was interesting, the characters were well developed, and the plot engaging and full of adventure. each of the characters showed a growth and transformation through the course of the story. i especially enjoyed the developing friendship between eliza and tao chi'en.

the main character, eliza sommers, was searching and chasing after what she thought was love, but really was a fascination and obsession with the idea of being in love. it always left her empty handed and lonely. but she discovered along the way that she had found a love that would truly satisfy. it made me think of how often we chase after what we think is worth having or valuable, but all the while we are overlooking the obvious things in our life that are true and worthy.

i am looking forward to reading more of this author.

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