Monday, August 10, 2009

ahhh, those summer days

we are in the midst of a very memorable summer: the house, 9 camps between the kids, living in town, bethany's, such excitement and fun. here are a few snapshots of july.

S with his garter snake

lolly enjoying the pasture

our cozy little summer cottage

this little house is such a reminder to me of God's provision.
while i was busy worrying about how all the details of our move would work out, He quietly provided...

a picnic at the farm

i have been packing a lot of our meals lately and taking them out to the new house where mark is busy working. the boys have been a great help: cleaning up the construction area, working on the deck, framing some basement walls. sometimes we eat in the barn on my kitchen table stored there. this day the weather was perfect for the picnic table.

bethany having a ride

everyday gift: enjoying summer days


Chris said...

I love your pictures! Thanks for sharing.

rainydaymichele said...

Your summer house is so lovely...I wish I could visit you there! Rejoicing with you on God's provision and sweet summer blessings, friend.