Monday, May 12, 2008

the great spring morel hunt

a tradition has been passed on: the great spring morel hunt! last week we took mark's dad out to our woods in search of morels and we hit the jackpot, at least it seemed like it to me! but according to mark, they were bigger when he was a kid hunting for them at their cabin along the mississippi river. the kids joined in, although skeptical that they would ever eat the strange looking mushrooms. after all, haven't we always told them "never eat a strange mushroom you find in the woods, it may kill you!" ? now we are spending hours in search of them and plan to cook them up for supper.

a successful hunt

grandpa, mark, B, and S after the morel hunt. grandpa is holding an antler, another prize found in the woods.

a page from S's nature journal

everyday gift: family traditions, spending time with grandpa

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